A passion for living in unique places
We bought this beautiful property in the lush Nambucca Valley 5 years ago. At the time we did not realise how lucky we were to have found this special place. We have always had an interest in living “on the land”. We lived for many years on the North Shore of Sydney after emigrating from the US and UK. We then moved to Scotland Island in Pittwater as I have always wanted to be on the water. After sailing our yacht up and down the east coast for a few years we retired and moved up country for the "tree change".
Girralong is an amazing remote, rural area with a lovely eclectic and supportive community. We are active in the conservation movement to protect the native forest on the NSW Mid North coast. My husband Martin and I are also active members in the RFS as bush firefighters.
We built the cabin to meet people from all over the world and to share this wonderful place in the forest with its amazing wildlife.
We hope you enjoy this very unique and special part of the world as much as we do.
Judy and Martin Readman